Monday 22 July 2013

How to Paint a Rose with a Twist in Acrylic Paint

  "well it seems easy enough." I told myself..... 30 min later I'm done, and it looks horrible! Well I think you should at least try! It is really fun and good practice for still life.

3D origami!

 This is really easy, just takes up a bit of time is all, yeah I have been there done that, but the result is rewarding! so you should really try this! Oh and not only can you use 3D origami to make a peacock but also baskets, swans, dragons ,and much more!

Using Salt

 Here is something great to learn! This is not a particular painting, but a texture you can use on your own paintings that I have found extremely helpful in mine. There are many different textures that will really give some edge to your paintings, so I urge you to learn them.
Hey everyone! now since all of the paintings I have shown you were abstract today I will be showing you how to draw still life for beginners! Yay! So exiting! Anyways lets get started.

Step 1:Start by picking an easy object to draw such as a ball,a book,a box,and so on. (Any object that doesn't have too much details or texture will do.) It's very important not to rush yourself into trying something that may be too difficult.
Step 2:Try to have one source of light (a lamp is recommended). It defines the shadows more.
Step 3:start with any place that makes you feel comfortable. Try using the pencil softly so if you mess up its easier to erase.
Step 4:When starting, try using shapes that you see in the object, such as circles or rectangles, or draw light lines that divide the object equally. But do not work on any one part of the object until you have the entire object drawn lightly.
       Step 5:Once you have the entire object drawn lightly, start darkening the outlines, but not so dark that it makes it look 2 dimensional.
Step 6: After that start adding details, shading is very important so make sure you take your time doing it.

  Cool right! I think so to, this particular painting may be a bit more difficult then the others but I think it is possible and a really beautiful looking piece of art! Plus you don't improve unless you make mistakes right?
Hey everyone! Today I will teach you how to make beautiful, easy, and fun swirl paining. Now Swirl painting is mostly used on guitars, to give them that punk rock edge, but it is possible to do so with a canvas.
okay! now lets get started!
Necessary items
-bucket large enough for you to be able to lay your canvas or paper in
-paint brush
-acrylic paints

Step 1: Fill the bucket up with water, and begin to gently drip the paint into the bucket of water. Drip in what ever co;our you want to appear on your canvas or paper.
step 2:Take your paintbrush and carefully mix, and swirl your colors together.
Step 3:Then slowly dip the canvas into the bucket and watch the magic happen!
Step 4: pull out the canvas or paper and leave it somewhere to dry.

Now your done! Easy right! Personally i prefer abstract over still life, it allows to to roam more freely and be creative! hope you enjoyed! 

How to Paint Abstract Flowers by Mont Marte

  If you enjoyed the video before, you will defiantly enjoy this one as well. I think these paintings are easier to get better results, therefore many more people can do it. I also think the mixing of the colors in the beginning is really fun and you can crazy with it as well. So hope you enjoy!