Monday 22 July 2013

Hey everyone! Today I will teach you how to make beautiful, easy, and fun swirl paining. Now Swirl painting is mostly used on guitars, to give them that punk rock edge, but it is possible to do so with a canvas.
okay! now lets get started!
Necessary items
-bucket large enough for you to be able to lay your canvas or paper in
-paint brush
-acrylic paints

Step 1: Fill the bucket up with water, and begin to gently drip the paint into the bucket of water. Drip in what ever co;our you want to appear on your canvas or paper.
step 2:Take your paintbrush and carefully mix, and swirl your colors together.
Step 3:Then slowly dip the canvas into the bucket and watch the magic happen!
Step 4: pull out the canvas or paper and leave it somewhere to dry.

Now your done! Easy right! Personally i prefer abstract over still life, it allows to to roam more freely and be creative! hope you enjoyed! 

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